This is quite frankly the most joyous yet most crazy holiday season yet for us. There isn't time to possibly backtrack on everything since I last posted. So in the spirit of my dear friend J who once said, "Just give me the snapshots!" I'm going to try giving you snapshots.
We were in the desert for a few months longer. God taught me valuable lessons from Job, of confession and honesty, and finding sanctuary, deep and safe, in Christ.
Then within a matter of a couple weeks-
E was offered a stellar job in Colorado.
The trailer sold.
Boxes were packed.
Ticket bought.
U-Haul reserved.
I flew out the night before Thanksgiving and stayed with a dear friend. E drove the packed car, 2 bikes and a ladder--while towing the other car behind--2400 miles in 48 hours. We got a hotel room that night.
Started house searching. Saw someone moving out of a townhouse. Called and it was for rent. Perfect size for us. It has a washer and dryer. Signed lease a few days later. Moved our boxes in. Bought a bed and kitchen table.
Had our first appointment with new midwife/OB office. God blessed us with an amazing midwife and hospital. E and I are both finally feeling at peace with our new supportive medical care and their labor and delivery practices.
Hotdog has dropped and could arrive any day. Thankfully, tired and huge as I am, he is waiting a little bit. Dearest is sick and we are both exhausted. With midwife appointments, house hunting, job setup stuff, and moving things out of storage to our new place, this dear man has drove nearly 4000 miles in 10 days. I am so blessed to have such a dear husband. <3
The days now revolve around settling in as much as possible. Cooking meals to freeze for eating when we get home from the hospital. Washing baby clothes and preparing his room. Grandma's vintage light changing Christmas tree is twinkling in our living room. Our hospital bags are packed.
At once I feel like we are Joseph and Mary, traveling for the census. Like Job, God restoring all that was taken from him and blessing him with double what he had before. I am still processing it all.
As we wait for Hotdog's arrival, I told E nothing would make me laugh more than if we attend Christmas Eve service and I go into labor right after. Wouldn't that be the star to top this journey?
Emmanuel. God has been with us. I have seen it in the most unbelievable ways. His timing has been perfect, His goodness and faithfulness neverending. He has met us when we were pining in darkness and waiting for the Light of His Coming. We are overcome with all the changes, all His goodness, all the gifts, and newness of what is to come.
Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas to you all <3